CD includes more than 2,000 test questions!
A complete case-based review for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination (PTCE)Pharmacy Technician Exam Review is a rigorous, all-in-one review for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination (PTCE). To be as relevant as possible, the content of this unique test preparation tool corresponds to the nine knowledge domains of the new PTCE exam blueprint, and the amount of coverage for each domain matches its importance on the exam.
Each chapter covers one of the nine knowledge domains on the test, with the knowledge areas listed at the beginning of each chapter. The nine chapters consist of:
There is also a bonus chapter that reviews basic math to help you brush up on this essential topic.
Every chapter includes valuable learning aids such as:
You will also find a companion CD that includes more than 2,000 questions. The CD gives you the ability to create tests that mimic the PTCE. Each test includes 90 questions that span all 9 knowledge domains. The questions are randomly selected for each test, so you will have an unlimited number of tests available to you.